
Design af klimasensorer til brug i stalde

SKOV A/S / Dol-Sensors A/S / / 2008-10

Design af serie af klimasensorer til brug i stalde. Sensoren måler både temperatur og fugtighed.

Selvom det “bare” er et produkt der skal hænge i en stald behøver det ikke at se grimt ud. Den endelige klimasensor kombinerer på bedste vis det funktionelle med et æstetisk ydre.

Klimasensoren er fremstillet i en proces hvor elektronikken omstøbes af et plastmateriale for at gøre sensoren ekstrem modstandsdygtig overfor det barske miljø der kan være i stalden med støv, fugt, maskinel rengøring osv.

Design of climate sensor for use in livestock houses

Design of a series of climate sensors for use in livestock houses and industrial applications. The sensor measures both temperature and relative humidity.

Even though it is “just” a product to be hung in an industrial environment, it does not have to look ugly. The final climate sensor combines in the best way the functional with an aesthetic exterior.

The climate sensor is manufactured in a process where the electronics are sealed in a plastic material to make the sensor extremely resistant to the harsh environment that can be in the livestock house with dust, moisture, mechanical cleaning, etc.